LSEC webinars provide key insights in cybersecurity and data protection. The Data Protection series aim to specifically serve DPO Offices, DPO’s and other data protection, privacy and security professionals in their operations. By focusing on best practices, discussions with policy makers, practitioners, trends and developments on technologies, privacy adoption in society, GDPR, e-Privacy and related regulations, solutions, technologies and tools. The webinars will be organized in coordination with; which is being reverted into an online webinar and series of webinars.
Registrations : LSEC Data Protection Webinar Series – GDPR Salon from the Salon :
Next Session :

Fearing the Litigation Chamber – a perspective of 2 years of GDPR and European litigation, with Hielke Hijmans, Chairman of the Litigation Chamber and Director of the Belgian Data Protection Authority DPA – GBA-APD
The litigation is the administrative disputes body of the Data Protection Authority. In 2020 we saw a clear increase in the number of publicly announced fines, the maximum amount for Proximus on May 20th of 50.000 EUR. In other countries there is a steep increase in incidents and reported cases. What can be learned from these and ongoing data breach investigations. How should companies, organisations and data protection offices prepare themselves. Is there a priority list? What about the larger cases?
Join us for a discussion with Dr. Hijmans on the current state and expected near future. How the GBA is adopting to the new normal. Are we about to see a significant increase in litigations in 2020? What needs to be done in terms of awareness, avoiding conflict of interest, incident reaction …
About : Dr Hielke Hijmans is Chairman of the Litigation chamber and member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (“Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit/Autorité de la Protection des Donnnées). On a part time basis, he is affiliated to the Brussels Privacy Hub. He is member of the Meijers Committee on EU fundamental rights and teaches at various universities. He is the author of The European Union as Guardian of Internet Privacy: The Story of Art 16 TFEU (Springer 2016), which was based on his doctorate thesis. Until April 2019, he delivered services on a structural basis to the Centre for Information Policy Leadership (Washington, London, Brussels) and Considerati (Amsterdam). For 12 years (until 2016), Hielke served at the offices of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), inter alia as head of unit policy and consultation. Before joining the EDPS in 2004, he held a post as member of cabinet/legal secretary at the Cabinet of Advocate-General Geelhoed at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg. Furthermore, Hielke was counselor at the Directorate of Legislation of the Ministry of Justice in The Hague

Sharing international experiences, CIP perspectives and challenges from data protection practitioners in the Netherlands, by Walter Van Wijk, CIP – UWT
The Centrum Informatiebeveiliging en Privacybescherming (Center for Information Security and Privacy Protection) is a Dutch public-private network organsation that consists of over 2700 members representing 550 organizations participants and knowledge partners. Participants are public companies, of which employees participate in one or more of the connections in the network. Knowledge Partners are private parties that are bound with a convenant and have promissed a number of hours to the collaboration. CIP was founded by the Dutch tax service, DUO, SVB and UWV and originates from the program Compacte Rijksdienst (2011-2012). This and other executive organisations receive, maintain and process large amounts of data. In accordance with legale boundaries the information processes have to meet requirements of availability, integrity and confidentiality. The growing digitisation of work processes and the communication with civilians on the one hand and the growing security risks on the other hand, this asks for more attention than ever. CIP does this by developing and sharing and distributing knowledge and practical tools, such as the privacy baseline, the privacy self-assessment tool, serious games, the dpo survey and much more. CIP works through communities and organizes more than 100 events. During this session, we’ll learn some of the experiences, challenges with the Data Protection Authorities and ways forward in working together.
About : Walter Van Wijk is Manager Network and Relations for CIP. He focusses on enlarging CIP’s impact, mainly in areas such as privacy, awareness and internet of things. As former IT entrepeneur and marketeer, he is committed to (help) inform, equip and make aware all relevant parties concerning responsible information-related behavior.

Best practices in GDPR Compliance Management :, Wim Barthier
An organization, according to regulations (e.g. GDPR, Cyber Essentials, e-Privacy …), needs a risk-based strategy. By clear governance policies including privacy and risk, user policy and lifecycle management processes, accordingly translated in organizational and technical measures. Multiple stakeholders are involved for instance for managing websites: web hosting, DNS-hosting, webmaster, controller and data subject. To enable transparency to the data subject the privacy policy shall inform concerning his rights. This privacy policy is organization wide and entails the processing activities (legal base, retention, and rights) of the processing register. A processing register needs to being completed by selected prefilled templates which can be adopted at the need of the user. is an Automated Robotic Programming (ARP)-based platform with a highly advanced and integrated information lifecycle. Based upon risk management methodology, which shall be information centric; enabling the data subject’s information and rights centricity of the GDPR. provides a methodology and a platform providing a way to manage corporate and user policies, templated processing activities, role-based supply chain, processor/controller agreements. During this presentation Wim will show how operational and privacy resilience can be managed in a similar way as an accounting system.
About Wim Barthier, founder : Day to day Security Officer at the NBB (National Belgian Bank) – Happy to help businesses, sectors and IT-people with their challenges or questions. My motto: Do you have a challenge or question, please shoot but don’t kill! Education: master computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Career: evolving over 20 years; from system engineer; up the ladder to enterprise architecture; finding myself about 9 years ago in the ICT & Information Security Officer role with a tight focus towards the business

Cookies, Consent and Management, by Laurie-Ann Bourdain, Privacy and Risk Officer Isabel Group and Wim Barthier, co-founder
The ePrivacy Regulation is still not there, but cookies (and other tracking mechanisms) have been under close scrutiny from European Data Protection Authorities.This session will review the actual scopes and requirements of the “cookie law” implementation in various EU member states, along with the requirements changed by the GDPR. Some common pitfalls and misconceptions will be explained and pragmatic solutions presented. The session will also review how Isabel Group proceeded to the selection and implementation of its cross website cookie consent management solution, how the solution has helped the company and the changed it triggered.
About Laurie-Ann Bourdain, Privacy and Risk Officer at Isabel Group : Laurie-Anne ensures top risk management and data protection practices within the group. She previously was a consultant within EY where she lead the privacy practice for Belgium (non-banking sector) and Senior Privacy Manager at Sony Electronics; in both positions she helped companies implementing the requirements of GDPR: from identification of personal data to design of documentation and handling of data subjects requests. She also have a strong background in information security and is certified CISSP, CIPP/E, CIPM and DPO under the CNIL referential.
About Wim Barthier, founder : Day to day Security Officer at the NBB (National Belgian Bank) – Happy to help businesses, sectors and IT-people with their challenges or questions. My motto: Do you have a challenge or question, please shoot but don’t kill! Education: master computer science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Career: evolving over 20 years; from system engineer; up the ladder to enterprise architecture; finding myself about 9 years ago in the ICT & Information Security Officer role with a tight focus towards the business
More information :
- e-Privacy directive from the EDPB
- Proposal for the e-Privacy regulation (EC)
- Belgian DPA – GBA – APD Cookie Policies

Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracing Technologies prior, during and after COVID-19: what to expect? What to avoid? Concerns and considerations for privacy and security advocates.
The attention to personal tracing technologies has suddenly boomed as a result of the current CORONA-crisis. Both existing and new technologies are being proposed and deployed at a large scale. What should policy makers and private individuals learn from the government mandated use in Asia? While the Netherlands is organizing an appathon, and local mayors consider apps to access public spaces, what should privacy experts consider and how can they support their stakeholders? The DP-3T solution (Distributed Privacy Preserving Proximity Tracking) makes it possible to interrupt new chains of SARS-CoV-2 transmission rapidly and effectively by informing potentially exposed people. DP-3T has created by a large and inclusive European team; if provides an open source and fully transparent solution focusing on data minimisation and maximum protection; moreover, its solution is the only one so far that is scalable at a European level. It was built upon proximity measurement and scalable backend service. Bart Preneel, expert in privacy and security provides an insightful webinar about enabling people tracing, and its purpose to chain infections and beyond between national and international borders.
About : Prof. Bart Preneel is a full professor at the KU Leuven. He heads the imec-COSIC research group, a team of world class security and privacy experts with 100 members. He was visiting professor at five universities in Europe. He has authored more than 400 scientific publications and is inventor of 5 patents. His main research interests are cryptography, information security and privacy. Bart Preneel has participated to more than 40 EU projects. He has served as president of the IACR (International Association for Cryptologic Research) and isco-founder and chairman of the Board of LSEC. He is a member of the Permanent Stakeholders group of ENISA and of the Academia Europaea. He has been invited speaker at more than 120 conferences in 50 countries. He received the RSA Award for Excellence in the Field of Mathematics (2014), the IFIP TC11 Kristian Beckman award (2015) and the ESORICS Outstanding Research Award (2017). In 2015 he was elected as fellow of the IACR. He frequently consults for industry and governments about security and privacy technologies.
Other relevant information :
- European Commission animated video on :!rg63vY
- EC common approach for voluntary and privacy-compliant tracing apps
- DP-3T Github
- PEPP-PT Project