Developing software products with a destination US needs to be able to present a Software Bill of Materials. How to build those?

Zoom Webinars

Developing software products with a destination US needs to be able to present a Software Bill of Materials. How to build those? When developing a smart or connected device, the consideration in adding security becomes more prevalent. In the US, there is a requirement to provide a Software Bill of Materials with all products with […]

Agile Manufacturing and Standardization – day 1 conference

Blue Point Brussels Reyerslaan 80, Brussel, Belgium

TRINITY Final Event, aimed at facilitating networking opportunities among participants, is dedicated to Trinity Technical Solutions, Agile Manufacturing, and Standardisation and will take place on Wednesday 8th February from 8.30 to 16.00 in Brussels at BluePoint Brussels. The TRINITY project, as you already know, funded under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, created a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed […]

Agile Manufacturing and Standardization – day 2 site visit

Blue Point Brussels Reyerslaan 80, Brussel, Belgium

TRINITY Final Event, aimed at facilitating networking opportunities among participants, is dedicated to Trinity Technical Solutions, Agile Manufacturing, and Standardisation and will take place on Wednesday 8th February from 8.30 to 16.00 in Brussels at BluePoint Brussels. The TRINITY project, as you already know, funded under the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, created a network of multidisciplinary and synergistic local digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed […]

CyberSecurity for Robotics at the European Robotics Forum 2023

ERF Odense, Denmark

CYBERSECURITY FOR ROBOTICS IN 2023 : INSIGHTS IN DEVELOPMENTS Download the presentations :       Topic group: Cybersecurity TRINITY DIH What are the questions to be discussed and answered in the WS? What is CyberSecurity in Robotics? What are the major developments impacting CyberSecurity in Robotics? What do you need to do to increase […]

Cloud native nuggets: AI for cyber security, encryption-at-rest, self-service Kubernetes clusters

Zoom Webinars

Join the webinar (series) by registering via Zoom for the OpenCloudification activities. PROGRAM 10:00 – 10:10: Introduction 10:10 – 10:40: Zero trust encryption-at-rest on Kubernetes with Rook and Vault Explains how to deploy a fully-managed Ceph storage cluster on Kubernetes using Rook Explains the role of Vault as an open source Key Management System Explains the three […]

CyberSec Europe (formely

Brussels Expo Paleis 12 Belgieplein 1, Brussels, Belgium

At Cybersec Europe – the successor of the successful trade shows, Data & Cloud Expo Event – which will be held on 19 and 20 April 2023, you as […]

[Workshop] Ubuntu Core hands-on – Managed edge IoT platform

Frame21 Diamantstraat 8/214 B, Herentals, Belgium

Participation is free, but registration through Eventbrite is required upfront, latest on October 1st 2023.   Join us on October 3rd where the OpenCloudification team (TheBeacon, imec IDLab and LSEC) will be hosting […]