LSEC – Leaders In Security launches together with its partners SAFE, SCS and SYTEMATIC (FR), Censek (DK), HSD (NL) and L3CE (LT) , the second Open Call of te European projet SecurIT,
During this webinar on Monday January 16th, you’re welcome to be informed about the funding opportunities for Small and Medium Security-related Enterprises in Europe.
We’ll be presenting :
– the opportunity of the SecurIT call – funding of Demonstrators and Proof of Concepts of at least two collaborating European SMEs, for 88k or 74k EUR respectively
– the process in applying for the SecurIT Open Call 2, which has opened January 10th and closes March 14th
– some experiences by some of the Open Call 1 participants, in this case by Belgian company NOCODE-X bv together with French company Wallix sa jointly developing the RASAD-project
– clarification on the application process and documentation
– call for interests and invitation to join in for matchmaking days
Participating to this webinar is free, but please register using the following Zoom webinar registration link
Overview of the links :
1. Zoom webinar registration link on January 16th
2. SecurIT-project website for overviews, background, directions and links.
3. SecurIT Open Call 2 application platform opens on January 10th and closes March 14th
4. Background documentation and call guidance
5. Matchmaking platform registration for January 18th session
SecurIT will select up to 21 projects in this Open Call aiming to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domain with support from SecurIT consortium. Projects should be submitted by consortia of 2 at least SMEs and should address one of the SecurIT challenges.
Start your application today on the website of partner Fundingbox. An online form will guide you through the application process, which you can start today and finish later.
The SecurIT-project is financing in total 3.5 million EUR from the European Commission to innovative CyberSecurity solutions, which can be tested and validated with potential large enterprise or public authorities end users.
During the webinar, we will explain how this financing will be organized, how to prepare and to apply in January 2022, how to deal with the requirements and start preparing to include end-users in the project.
On January 18th and February 8th, the SecurIT-partners will organize a matchmaking event, in order for Security Innovator SMEs to meet up with potential partners and end users.
Register upfront and make sure your profile is listed, and that you will be reachable these days to have online speeddating interactions. You can also see some of the projects selected during Open Call 1, as inspiration or to continue developing from there.
The SecurIT project is financed by the European Commission via the H2020-Innosup program that aims to support and finance the development of collaborative innovative projects by European SMEs, allowing to prototype, experiment and validate the security solutions.
It aims to innovate security solutions from the security, ethical, legal and societal backgrounds.
The SecurIT-project runs for 3 years and expects the Open Call projects to be finalized by the end of 2023.
The objective of the session is to ensure SMEs can start timely preparing for their application, to initiate the internal process and reach out to potential innovation partners and end users in order to increase chances to succes. We’ll share some results of the innovation workshops and demand driven ideas, and suggestions for areas of security and innovation.
09/01/2023 – 13:00-14:00 CET
SecurIT 2nd Open Call Launch Event (L3CE webinar, English language) – Register HERE
by L3CE Cluster
10/01/2023 – 11:00-12:00 CET
Lancement de l’AAP SecurIT (Open Call Webinar, French language) – Register HERE
by Safe Cluster, SCS, and Systematic Paris-Région
12/01/2023 – 11:00-12:00 CET
Open Call Webinar & pitch session #1 – Register HERE
16/01/2023 – 13:00-14:00 CET
Fundingmuligheder for digitale sikkerhedsløsninger ifm. SecurIT-projektet (Open Call Webinar, Danish language) – Register HERE
by CenSec
18/01/2023 – 08:30-12:30 CET
Matchmaking session #1 – Register: HERE
25/01/2023 – 11:00-12:00 CET
Open Call Webinar & pitch session #2 – Register HERE
08/02/2023 – 08:30-12:30 CET
Matchmaking session #2 – Register: OPENING SOON
-87 SMEs are mapped by sectors and SecurIT Domains in our Security Solutions Catalogue.
We are working on an online mapping version of the catalogue, gathering even more companies and offers – release in January 2023!
–Pitch your project in front of other interested SMEs at out Webinar & pitch sessions (see above)
-Attend our online Matchmaking sessions (see above)
16 & 17/05/2023 – JURY DAY (Online)
The pre-selected consortia will be invited to pitch their projects the SecurIT slection committee, online.
Beginning of July 2023 – Batch#2 projects Kick Off Meeting (in Vilnius, Lithuania)
Kick off event for all selected project of Open Call #2
For more information please contact : securit-2023 at, or call directly at +32 16 79 8585 Ulrich Seldeslachts, LSEC CEO in order to get more information about the project and its objectives.