Since 2019 LSEC – Leaders in Security,, Tampere University of Technology and 12 other local and international partners joined forces in a network of Digital Innovation Hubs supporting manufacturing SMEs becomes more competitive through robotics and digital technologies

There is a huge opportunity for manufacturers to adopt new robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and to improve productivity and competitiveness. New robotic technologies are highly flexible and cost-effective for nearly every size of company, including small and medium-sized frms (SMEs). SMEs need to embrace these technologies to maintain efciency and create jobs. A key barrier to implementation is often a lack of skills and understanding around how to best proft from these technologies.
TRINITY aims to improve the agility and innovation capability of European manufacturing companies. It aims to bring together both the research and industrial community in Europe with the objective of developing and helping all sized companies to implement and benefit from new digital and robotic technologies. and LSEC will perform the Cybersecurity assessments and improvements.
Action :
– stay in touch to learn more about Cybersecurity for robotics or for a cybersecutity assessment of your robotic environment : robots @
– get up to 300.000 € in 2 TRINITY Open Call in 2019 and 2021 for innovative robotic use cases
TRINITY by LSEC was driven by the LSEC team and organized Agile Manufacturing demonstrator support and specifically focused on CyberSecurity for Manufacturing and research in CyberSecurity for Robotics.
In order to reach these objectives TRINITY has CREATED a sustainable network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) acting as a one-stop-shop for companies to get access to digital and robotic technologies as well as technical and other services, such as training, funding or match-making. The network is composed of industry organisations, service providers and research institutes and universities specialised in advanced robotics, IoT and cybersecurity. This network will be extended over the life-time of the project. PROVIDED a critical mass of use cases in collaboration with industry to demonstrate novel robot technologies that can contribute to increase the agility of production processes in relevant industrial environments across different sectors. CREATED a digital access point to facilitate collaboration, networking and disseminate information and knowledge to the wider robotics research community and industry in Europe.
Specific developments were made in the CyberSecurity for Robotics Platform.
3IF – Industrial Internet Consortium Flanders – is an initiative by LSEC that support the development of Industrial Internet, Industrie 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things in Belgium, especially towards the manufacturing industry. We will bring them closer to understanding the technologies for digital manufacturing, the impact on their business, and how they could make their first steps to improve flexibility, quality and cost reduction in their production process. The activities of are being channeled through the DIGITALIS and Digihub activities and have been further developed in the Connected Factories project.
The TRINITY network has developed over 60 use-case demonstrators in some of the most promising areas of robotics to advance agile production. These areas will include collaborative robotics as well as sensory systems to ensure safety, effective user interfaces based on augmented reality and speech, reconfgurable robot workcells and peripheral equipment (fxtures, jigs, grippers, etc.), programming by demonstration or IoT secure wireless networks.
The initial demonstrators served as reference implementation for two rounds of open calls for proposals, where companies with agile production needs and sound business plans have been supported (financially and technically) by TRINITY to carry out experiments in industrial environments.
TRINITY contact for Belgium : LSEC – Leaders In Security and 3IF – Industrial Internet Consortium Flanders
Contact : trinity @ – +32 16 79 8585