The Cybersecurity for Robotics Conference 2019 (CSfR2019) will be the first in a series of annual events dedicated to the research domain and investigating the cross cutting research topics related to cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, safety, robotics, industrial control systems security, IoT, Industry 4.0, real time communication systems, privacy, AI and other related relevant domains.
Register Now for free until October 31st at :, after that date a registration fee will be charged.
University of Deusto
CRAI Library Building
Ramón Rubial Kalea, 1, 48009 Bilbo, Bizkaia
Call for Papers : submit your electronic paper, abstract, poster or presentation at :

Attendance is free for participants to the Call for Papers, LSEC partners, Basque Cyber Security and Baque Industry 4 Days participants upon registration prior to November 1st.
Cybersecurity for Robotics and the Conference
Cybersecurity for robotics is a multidisciplinary research domain that is growing in relevance and importance due to the continuous growth of robotics systems and increase in cybersecurity and safety risks and challenges. The conference aims to bring together all dedicated researchers active in this domain and is about identifying risks, threats and vulnerabilities, safety considerations and solutions for robot systems due to cyber security.
Over the last couple of years research in this topic has been increasing due to many developments happening in both cybersecurity and the robotics domain. The initiative of the conference came from the Cybersecurity workshop at the European Robotics Forum 2019, where some of the research results were” presented, a connection was made to the Strategic Research Agenda of Cybersecurity and of Robotics, where the connection to Safety and Security was made and where we showed the interest and benefit for the innovation developments and future potential industrial applications and dedicated technologies.
The conference will be the first in its kind, specifically focusing on the domain, to raise the level of awareness, to ensure the further multidisciplinary approaches and to further ensure the improvement of the cybersecurity for robotic systems, for agile production, digital production and industry 4.0 and smart products and technologies. Other aim is to strengthen the European Cybersecurity infrastructure, systems and applications and increasing the Cybersecurity posture of the European Digital Market and specifically factories of the future and connected factories.
The conference will be organized in collaboration with the TRINITY project, by LSEC – Leaders In Security, together with the local cybersecurity SME Alias Robotics, the European Robotics Forum, the RODIN project, ECSO, EFFRA and the Basque Cybersecurity Centre. The conference is planned to be hosted alongside the Basque Industry 4.0 and Basque Cybersecurity Days on November 20 and 21st 2019 in Bilbao.

November 18 & 19th in relation to Basque Cyber Security and Industry 4.0 days
The conference will be organized in Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain on November 18th and 19th.
Register here:
If you would like to be informed on the progress, drop a note at [email protected].
Registrations for The Basque Cyber Security Days and Industry 4.0 days can be found here.

Cybersecurity for Robotics Research State of Affairs
Robots are widely used in industrial production environments and increasingly in logistics, healthcare and home appliances. Most of the traditional robot systems are being operated by a PLC and / or a specific robot controller. But even while being isolated in industrial networks, these machines are not free from harm. Both human safety and product quality are at stake. But more increasingly flexible, autonomous and versatile robots have entered in to the
industrial domain. Collaborative robots are being released from their cages and put in close cooperation with humans. That positive trend also sees a significant decline in cost for robotics. Partially thanks to the availability of standard technologies (internet / IoT, OPC/UA, ROS, cloud, Azure Sphere, …) and the interconnectivity of the robotic systems. But most of the robotic systems lack a fundamental cybersecurity posture.
The variety of architectures following the five main trends (controller operated robots, PLC operated robots, ROS operated robots, IoT or cloud operated robots) allows for a versatility and diversity of potential vulnerabilities to robotic systems. The following list is not exhaustive and very dependent on the situation and the way the robots were implemented. A lot of research leading to identifying the vulnerabilities indicated that it was simply scratching the surface.
Controller take-over | ROS Service Isolation Attack |
Compromising controller | ROS stealth publisher attack |
Configuration tampering | Service isolation attack |
User-perceived robot state alteration | Malicious parameter attack |
Robot State alteration | Fault-injection |
Production logic tampering | Safety |
Calibration parameter tampering | IoT – device firmwares |
Embedded System attacks | Cloud based DDOS |
Application Attacks – Buffer Overflows | Digital Identity Fraud |
Execution Attacks | Open SSL |
Data – control traffic manipulation from/to client / robot | Application vulnerabilities. |
Data – application manipulation from/to client / application | ROS Exploits |
Stealth publisher attack | IoT exploits : DOS |
There are different approaches possible in trying to improve the Robots cybersecurity. These have to be systematic from an industrial perspective, depending on the risk they impose the factory and the situation. Isolation is a start, hardening access control, putting cryptographic measures in place and improving the application security are basic measures. A lot can be done by the robot manufacturers by ensuring security by design for the robot controllers, the robots and the applications instructing and controlling them.
Finally, the robot is mostly not acting completely in isolation, but is a part of an enterprise environment and needs to align to the company’s industrial cybersecurity policies and procedures, the specific
The aim of the current activities is to gather a further improvement and perspective on the current state of affairs
Proof of concepts, demonstrators or use case applications of
- System and embedded security on industrial robot systems with agents or agentless
- Integrating robot systems in the overall industrial security architecture and orchestrating a cybersecurity defense strategy
- Realtime robot communications systems : crypto, monitoring and
- Applying existing Cybersecurity technologies such as white listing, white boxing, security by design and advanced analytics for threat detection and prevention
- Robots and Privileged Access Management
- Cyber Threat Intelligence and Security incident management reporting for industrial robot environments
- Robot Application (Development and Run Time) Security
- Cyberphysical convergence, using both physical Robot and environmental sensors in combination with advanced threat detection
- Application of Cybersecurity standards and frameworks for Robotics
- Security for Cloud and IoT applied to Robots
Cybersecurity for Robotics Conference (CSfR) 2019 Call for Papers
Organizers are calling for abstracts, titles and contributors topics and suggestions now until October 31st.
Papers and presentation proposals can be sent in to a Call for Papers by November 7th.
The call papers can be sent in via easychair :
or via
email on CSfR2019 at
Information on the Call For Papers :
Registrations to the Conference only at
Potential topics of interest
The organizers are looking for for contributions of ongoing and planned research on topics on cybersecurity for robotics and related, such as but not limited to :
- System and embedded security on industrial robot systems with agents or agentless
- Integrating robot systems in the overall industrial security architecture and orchestrating a cybersecurity defense strategy
- Realtime robot communications systems : crypto, monitoring and
- Applying existing Cybersecurity technologies such as white listing, white boxing, security by design and advanced analytics for threat detection and prevention
- Robots and Privileged Access Management
- Cyber Threat Intelligence and Security incident management reporting for industrial robot environments
- Robot Application (Development and Run Time) Security
- Cyberphysical convergence, using both physical Robot and environmental sensors in combination with advanced threat detection
- Application of Cybersecurity standards and frameworks for Robotics
- Security for Cloud and IoT applied to Robots
- Abstracts & Full papers describing :
- cybersecurity challenges, vulnerabilities and assessments for robotic systems
- holistic approaches and risk perspectives of robotics cyber security within manufacturing and other operational environments
- frameworks for detection and mitigation of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in
- cyber-physical approaches to robotic systems
- analysis of the robotics manufacturing environments for cybersecurity
- cybersecurity issues and cybersecurity architectures for robotics
- standards and standard developments relevant for cybersecurity for robotics
- ROS & ROS2 cybersecurity developmentss
- cybersecurity in AI for robotics
- securing realtime communication in robotics platforms
- applying 5G security concepts in real-time robotic systems
- security development lifecycle for robotic developments
- privacy and safety in relation to cybersecurity of robotics an autonomous systems
- cybersecurity in distributed robotic frameworks
- embedded systems cybersecurity technologies for robotics
- methods and technologies and orchestration for cybersecurity management of robotic systems
- cryptographic technologies for embedded devices, robotic systems, real-time communication systems and robot system management
- enhanced user access technologies for industrial systems, robotic systems and autonomous platforms
- robotic end protection technologies
- robotic system monitoring and application of cyber threat intelligence
- cybersecurity for robot swarms and robotic drones
- privacy enhancing technologies for robotic systems
- Posters describing :
- System and embedded security on industrial robot systems with agents or agentless.Integrating robot systems in the overall industrial security architecture and orchestrating a cybersecurity defense strategy
- Real-time robot communications systems : crypto, monitoring and control frameworks
- Applying existing Cybersecurity technologies such as white listing, white boxing, security by design and advanced analytics for threat detection and prevention
- Robots and Privileged Access Management
- Cyber Threat Intelligence and Security incident management reporting for industrial robot environments
- Robot Application (Development and Run Time) Security
- Cyberphysical convergence, using both physical Robot and environmental sensors in combination with advanced threat detection
- Application of Cybersecurity standards and frameworks for Robotics
- Security for Cloud and IoT applied to Robots
- ROSploit
- holistic approaches to Industrial Control Systems and robotic systems for agile manufactuting
Review committee
Program Committee
- Ulrich Seldeslachts, CEO LSEC, coordinator Cybersecurity for Robotics – Trinity Project, Belgium
- Prof. Dr. Bart Preneel, head of department COSIC, KU Leuven, ESAT, Belgium
- Prof. Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede, COSIC, KU Leuven, ESAT, Belgium
- Dr. Jan de Meer, KI Informatik, E-Technik -, Smartspacelab GmbH, Germany
- Dr. Bernhard Dieber, Joanneum Research – Robotics – Institute for Robotics and Mechatronics, Austria
- Endika Gil-Uriarte, Chief Scientific Officer – Alias Robotics, Spain
- Dr. Jan Reimann, Fraunhofer IWU, Germany
- Prof. Dr. Minna Lanz, Mechanical Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Organizing committee
- Ulrich Seldeslachts, CEO LSEC, coordinator Cybersecurity for Robotics – Trinity Project
- Javier Dieguez, Director Basque Cybersecurity Centre
- Jyrki Latokartano, Project Manager, Tampere University of Technology
main website : (this one)
registrations for the conference : – +32 16 32 8541
call for papers information :
call for papers submission :
about TRINITY robotics Digital Innovation Hub :
about Innovation Hub :
about TRINITY Open Call :
All questions about submissions should be emailed to [email protected]
Preliminary Agenda :
The following agenda will be adapted in the following weeks and months.
November 18th :
- 16.00h welcome & registration & birds of a feather talks
- 18.30h introduction & networking & 5 minute elevator pitches fof participants or partner exchanges on the TRINITY Open Call
- 20.00h networking dinner
November 19th :
- 8.30h welcome & registration
- 9.00h opening address : beyond CyberSecurity & Safety, Ethics and Robotics
- 9.30h opening panel : CyberSecurity, Safety and Ethics in Robotics
- 10.30h : Break
- 10.50h : CyberSecurity for Robotics : risks assessments, holistic approaches and vulnerability management papers
- 12.20h : Vulnerabilities, Attacks, CyberPhysical, Safety risks and dangers, impact on CyberSecurity
- 14.00h : lunch break
- 15.00h : Solutions, technical approaches, mitigation strategies, defensive actions, Security by Design
* sponsored speaker by Alias Robotics - 16.30h : Break
- 16.50h : Industrial Solutions, current state of the art in technologies and expectations
- 18.00h : Closing Panel discussion : Identifying Gaps in CyberSecurity Research for Robotics
- 19.00h : Networking Reception & Poster Discussions
- 20.30h : End of CSfR2019
Overview and Practical Details :
CyberSecurity for Robotics Conference 2019 – CSfR2019
November 18-19th, 2019, Bilbao
– November 18th : birds of a feather & networking event
– November 19th : conference
University of Deusto
CRAI Library Building
Ramón Rubial Kalea, 1, 48009 Bilbo, Bizkaia
Registration :
– free until Ocotber 31st – no show fee of 150€
– 150 € until November 15st
– 250 € until November 19th
Part of the Basque CyberSecurity Days 2019 (register here) and the Basque Industry 4.0 Days 2019 (register here).
Organizing Partners
This CyberSecurity for Robotics Conference 2019 was setup in collaboration with the following partners:

About LSEC
Leaders In Security (LSEC) is a spin off of KU Leuven, departments and research groups COSIC, Distrinet and CITIP, together with the KU Leuven technology transfer office LRD. The assocation was created in 2002 bringing together expertise in the domain of information security.
LSEC is working on various research domains in finance, media, industry, telecom, transport, finance, energy, retail, …
Cybersecurity Robotics is one of the specific industrial domains of interest. LSEC investigates and identifies challenges related to cybersecurity for robotics in the domain of industrial automation security, industrial control systems and cybersecurity for agile manufacturing in relation to digital transformation technologies for industry. Parts of these activities take part under the LSEC brand, some others under Connected Factories and Trinity.
About the TRINITY project
TRINITY is a network of digital innovation hubs in Advanced Robotics, Cybersecurity and Industrial IoT. The main objective of TRINITY is to extend the international network of digital innovation hubs (DIHs) composed of industrial partners, research centres and universities and to contribute to novel robotics solutions to increase agility in production by providing a significant number of use cases demonstrating the value of technologies for manufacturing companies.
The result will be a one-stop shop for methods and tools to achieve highly intelligent, agile and reconfigurable production, which will ensure Europe’s welfare in the future. The network will start its operation by developing demonstrators in the areas of robotics we identified as the most promising to advance agile production, e.g. collaborative robotics including sensory systems to ensure safety, effective user interfaces based on augmented reality and speech, reconfigurable robot workcells and peripheral equipment (fixtures, jigs, grippers, …), programming by demonstration, IoT, secure wireless networks, etc.
These demonstrators will serve as reference implementation for two rounds of open calls for application experiments, where companies with agile production needs and sound business plans will be supported by TRINITY DIHs to advance their manufacturing processes. Besides technology-centered services, primarily laboratories with advanced robot technologies and know-how to develop innovative application experiments, TRINITY network of DIHS will also offer training and consulting services, including support for business planning and access to financing. Services of participating DIHs and dissemination of information to wider public will be provided through a digital access point that will be developed in the project. Another important activity of the project will be the preparation of a business plan to sustain the network after the end of the project funding.

Visit the Cybersecurity for Robotics pages