As a company, by engaging and understanding the important open-source cloud technologies, vendor lock-in with a specific cloud provider can be avoided. Tech companies cannot possibly get around the cloud, but they can try to do so on a more cost-effective and vendor-independent basis. They are always looking for alternatives, but many available technologies are too complex to set up without guidance, too difficult to manage, sometimes unreliable, or not yet standardised in the industry. The proliferation of technologies and choices (see as a reference) also leads to companies having trouble making informed choices.
OpenCloudification : Open Cloud Tooling and Cloud Capabilities
On October 28th, the Flemish Agency for Innovation and Entrepeneurship VLAIO announced the approval for the Cloud COOCK .
The cloud encompasses a set of technologies that allow companies or cloud users to quickly start and stop new services, and depending on market demand, allow their services to easily and automatically scale up to huge computing infrastructures (= a lot of resources) or scale down to a minimum in use of resources to reduce costs. The cloud in most cases adopts a pay-as-you-go model which recommends intelligent/efficient use of resources to minimize costs.
With this project, OpenCloudification wants to help technology companies, specifically software and device development companies, but not only them, to innovate by familiarizing themselves with various forms of advanced cloud technology. The goal is to use research translation and application-oriented knowledge building to bring technology companies faster access not only to this knowledge but also to open-source cloud technologies in areas such as CyberSecurity, container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes), cloud-edge orchestration (e.g. KubeFed, IoFog), monitoring, CI/CD, data processing, etc. At the same time, helping them with all the challenges and difficulties brought by these advanced topics and technologies.
With OpenCloudification, the partners IDLab-imec, LSEC and The Beacon aim to bring advanced cloud technologies closer to technology development companies and their customers.
On December from 13th, 2022 OpenCloudification will organize a kick-off meeting with a focus on successfully deploying microservices benefits. Participate, learn and share your experiences with the newest and best experience cloud developments and discuss how to best integrate open cloud technologies, Kubernetes, focusing on edge devices in relation to them and how to be best secured. For more information and the agenda, please visit the events page and go to the developing website.
For more information, contact us at iiotsbom at, or call directly at +32 16 79 8585.