Aiming to lower the barriers for small and medium European (SME) engineering companies to be able to facilitate the necessary security requirements for their products with digital elements (PDEs). By making the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) easy (eACY) to comply with (CRACY), we strive towards reaching a best practice, if not a standard, to which these technology development companies can adopt and obtain a new series of qualified, more secure products and digital services.

CRACY starts from the experiences of having worked over the last decades with various product development companies, developing applications, cloud-based services, electronics, sensors, appliances up to complete integrated systems for various purposes ranging from food production, over sawing machines to appliances for maritime transport and space applications, and autonomous vehicles, robots, drones or wearables.

CRACY provides immediate impact and aims to create reference cases together with you! We’re looking for SMEs in different sectors but focused on the domains of class I and II product categories in domains of critical and essential services within 12 months. CRACY aims to develop an offering allowing to immediately cater for security requirements with existing solutions while adopting the assessment mechanics required for compliance on the currently finalizing regulatory framework, the developing conformity assessment mechanisms and the evolving industrial standards and de-facto standards.

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