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The Cybersecurity Made In Europe Label issued by LSEC with the support of ECSO is an industry-driven quality label, designed to promote European cybersecurity companies and increase their visibility on the European and on the global market. More fully:

• The Label raises awareness of the strategic value of cybersecurity companies originating in Europe and developing their business based on trusted European values.
• Become part of a catalogue of qualitative European CyberSecurity services and technology providers, clarifying your qualitative origins to the rest of the world.
• The Label increases companies’ visibility among potential business partners, end-users and cybersecurity investors.
• The Label serves as a market differentiator based on geographic location.

LSEC Members can achieve the CyberSecurity Made in Europe label for a limited period of time at preferential conditions. 

For more information, please download the following documentation.

CyberSecurity Made in Europe Label application form (491 downloads ) LSEC Label Info Pack (614 downloads ) CyberSecurity Made in Europe Applicant Declaration Form (479 downloads )